The moment you have to communicate difficult but necessary news is one of the most challenging tasks an educator can face. I vividly remember a father who reacted with intense aggression when I suggested an evaluation for his child by a specialist. He rolled up his sleeves, leaned in close to my face, and said, “You should be in my child’s place.” I was younger then, with less experience, and that moment drove me to find better ways to handle such situations.
What Happens in the Brain When We Deliver Bad News?
When we deliver bad news, the amygdala in the recipient’s brain becomes activated. This triggers the release of stress-related hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Simultaneously, the prefrontal cortex, responsible for logical thinking and decision-making, becomes less active. In simpler terms, we awaken their fear, making it harder for them to process and understand the information we are sharing.
The Lack of Training and the Search for Solutions
This dynamic is something many of us have experienced at least once. However, in university, we were never taught how to deliver bad news—neither educators, nor doctors, nor police officers. Imagine a doctor informing a family about the outcome of a surgery or a police officer notifying a parent of their child’s loss, relying solely on their instincts.
What Can We Do?
After 42 years in education, I’ve learned that effectively handling these moments requires preparation and the use of specific techniques. One such technique, designed to reduce tension and build trust, has been meticulously documented, and I share it with any educator who is interested.
If you’d like access to this technique, simply:
click here
The PDF and accompanying video include a step-by-step breakdown, practical examples of conversations, and advice on managing emotions.
Closing with Inspiration
I’d like to end with a quote by Maya Angelou that resonates with me in every difficult moment:
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
As educators, we have the power to transform challenging conversations into moments of connection, understanding, and trust. This is our mission: to support, guide, and inspire those around us.
How to Deliver Unpleasant News
Practical techniques, dialogue examples, and tips for managing emotions, based on real-life experience.